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THS 1500W/1800W THS

THS Series Catalog


Dimensions in the parentheses are for 1300/1500/1800 mode

MODEL THS-1300W THS-1500W THS-1800W
Molding Machine Size (ton) 450~750 650~1000 850~1600
A. Full length 3435 3435 3935
B. Full width 2430 2650
C. Height of main arm 2110 2160 2300
D. Height of sub arm - 1880 - 2030 - 2150
E. Max.radius of product 511
F. Min.distance bw 2 arms - 225 - 250 - 250
G. Stand-by of main arm 225
H. Stand-by of sub arm - 270 - 270 - 270
I. distance bw main arm to base 200 445 250 480 250 480
J. distance bw sub arm to base - 240 - 240 - 240
K. Max.for.Pos.of main arm 1480 1650
R. Height of Contro Box 1030
Y. Control box to main arm center 760 905
X. Traverse stroke 2260 2000 2500
U. Height of Base 452
Zm. Up/down stroke of main arm 1300 1500 1800
Zs. Up/down stroke of sub arm - 1300 - 1500 - 1800
PAYLOAD 12KG(含治具) 18KG (含治具)